The North Cornwall Railway

History Construction The Route Operation Traffic The Final Years Since Closure The ACE Links


This is a list of some of the rolling stock known to have worked on the North Cornwall Line. It is, obviously, far from a complete record but endeavours to show the situation in the more recent years. Each reference is where the information came from, either photographic, text or website, and although some items appeared several times, only one reference is quoted for the sake of keeping things simple! Some locos (e.g. from class O2) that worked between Bodmin and Padstow are included as the Wadebridge-Padstow section comes within the remit of this web site.

I am most grateful to those who have provided further information published in books that are not on my bookshelves.

Some information has been taken from locomotives that worked in the Exmouth Junction area, but only if there is a strong chance that they would also have worked on the NCL. These are shown below the main table.

Key to References used:
ACE BB Atlantic Coast Express - The Bude Branch - David Wroe
BLM Branch Line Memories, Vol 3 - Lewis Reade
BLAB Branch Lines Around Bodmin - Vic Mitchell & Keith Smith
BLP Branch Line to Padstow - Vic Mitchell & Keith Smith
BWR The Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway - C F D Whetmath
BWR 1834 The Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway 1834 - 1978 - Anthony Fairclough and Alan Wills
CoS 8 Colour of Steam Volume 8 : SR Branch Lines - Ray Hobbs (N.B. no page or plate numbers)
FFACE From the Footplate Atlantic Coast Express - Stephen Austin
IHA Illustrated History of the ACE - John Scott-Morgan
IHNCR Illustrated History of the North Cornwall Railway (1st Ed) - David Wroe
IHNCR(2) Illustrated History of the North Cornwall Railway (2nd Ed) - David Wroe
ICR Images of Cornish Railways
JP PC Joannes Publications Postcard
LSI Locoshed Index website
LSWR WCL LSWR West Country Lines Then and Now - Mac Hawkins
MSSWC More Southern Steam in the West Country - Anthony Fairclough and Alan Wills
NCR Photograph on this website, with hyper-link
OL The Okehampton Line - John Nicholas & George Reeve
PACE Portrait of the Atlantic Coast Express - Stephen Austin
RM The Railway Magazine
SBL Southern Branch Lines - C J Gammell
SBLS 3 Southern Branch Lines Steam Vol 3 - Wills and Fairclough
SHLNCWD Southern Holiday Lines in North Cornwall & West Devon - Alan Bennett
SRWA Southern Railway's Withered Arm - A View from the Past - Stephen Austin
SSWC Southern Steam in the West Country - Anthony Fairclough and Alan Wills
SSWM Southern's South Western Memories - Robert Antell
SWS The Southern West of Salisbury - Terry Gough
SIC Steam in Cornwall - Peter Gray
WA The Withered Arm - T W E Roche
WA(2) The Withered Arm - Peter Semmens
WCES West Country Engine Sheds - Maurice Dart

Locos known to have worked the North Cornwall line:
Class: º: Place: Date noted: Reference:
380 388 ? ? ACE BB p69
0415 050 Guineaport ? ICR pps142,146,152
169 Wadebridge 1922 BLP ph86
445 488 Launceston 20 Jul 1886 IHNCR p18
460 465 Padstow Early 20th C NCR
0471 Halwill 19 Jun 1926 IHNCR p47
0472 Wadebridge 16 Jun 1926 BLAB plate 7
Beattie 2-4-0 0195 Launceston 20 Jul 1886 IHNCR p18
Beattie 2-4-0WT 0254 Wadebridge May 1893 IHNCR p136
E0314 (later 30585) Wadebridge ? ICR p149
30585 Wadebridge 13 Sep 1958 NCR
30586 Wadebridge 13 Sep 1958 NCR
0298 (3298, 30587) Padstow 16 Jun 1926 IHNCR p92
"Ilfracombe Goods" 394 Wadebridge c1900 IHNCR p135
A12 533 Wadebridge ? ICR p152
E543 ? 4 Aug 1928 ACE BB p70
614 Launceston ? IHNCR(2) p28
629 Wadebridge Nov 1948 SRWA p23
636 Padstow Early 20th C NCR
636 Padstow Early 20th C NCR
E645 Wadebridge Aug 1928 IHNCR(2) p245
K10 341 St Kew Highway 1900s IHNCR p27
N 31406 Egloskerry Apr 1964 BLP ph37
31810 Launceston ? IHNCR p59
31812 ? May 1964 SBL pics 152 & 153
31818 Launceston 16 May 1963 MSSWC p56
1828 otterham 3 Jul 1948 BLP ph43
1829 Wadebridge May 1935 IHNCR p133
31830 Launceston ? BLP ph28
31831 St Kew Highway 31 May 1960 BLP ph62
31832 Port Isaac Road 6 Sep 1961 NCR
31833 Halwill Jun 1949 SRWA p69
31834 Halwill ? NCR
31835 Halwill ? LSWR WCL Frontispiece
31836 Camelford 24 Aug 1960 IHNCR p23
31837 Padstow 1950 IHNCR p98
31838 Halwill 23 Apr 1962 BLM
31840 Bodmin 5 May 1964 IHNCR p129
31841 Halwill 28 Aug 1960 IHNCR p49
31843 Treneglos 1960s IHNCR p21
31844 Wadebridge c1953 WCES p27
31845 Ashwater 1960s IHNCR p54
31846 Halwill 22 Aug 1964 IHNCR p118
31847 Wadebridge 25 Aug 1960 IHNCR p84
31848 Wadebridge 3 Sep 1954 IHNCR p110
31849 Bodmin 5 May 1964 IHNCR p129
A850 Wadebridge ? ICR p149
31851 Wadebridge 14 Jul 1951 SSWC p85
31853 Halwill 26 Aug 1964 MSSWC p51
31855 Egloskerry 11 Jul 1964 IHNCR p64
31856 Wadebridge 14 Jul 1951 SSWC p75
31857 Wadebridge Jul 1961 SWS plate 105
31859 Halwill 22 Aug 1964 IHNCR p8
31860 Meldon Aug 1961 IHNCR(2) p2
31874 St Kew Highway 27 Apr 1963 SHLNCWD p60
O2 * 181 Wadebridge ? ICR p148
182 Wadebridge ? IHNCR(2) p50
30192 Bodmin North 22 May 1952 WA(2) p16
30193 Padstow 14 Aug 1950 IHNCR p94
E198 Wadebridge ? ICR p152
30199 Wadebridge Sep 1961 BWR p28
30200 Padstow 3 Jul 1954 IHA p117
30203 Wadebridge 3 Sep 1954 IHNCR p105
216 Wadebridge ? ICR p148
30236 Padstow 13 Sep 1958 NCR
400 Wadebridge ? ICR p150
S11 404 Padstow 27 Aug 1908 NCR
T9 30120 Little Petherick Creek 1 May 1961 WA p49
S283 (30283) Wadebridge 21 Jul 1948 IHNCR p136
289 (30289) Halwill Circa 1926 ACE BB p71
30313 Nr Ashbury 12 May 1961 IHNCR p13
30338 Okehampton Jul 1959 IHNCR p99
30702 Padstow 14 Jul 1951 SSWC p83
703 (30703) Wadebridge Aug 1939 IHNCR p125
30704 Padstow Summer 1950 NCR
30708 Port Isaac Road ? ICR p107
30709 Padstow 19 Aug 1958 NCR
30710 Ashwater 20 Aug 1958 BLP ph14
30711 Little Petherick Creek 26 Apr 1954 LSWR WCL ph162
30712 Tower Hill 19 Aug 1957 IHNCR p144
30715 Little Petherick Creek Sep 1959 SRWA Cover
30717 Nr Port Isaac Road May 1957 IHNCR p80
30718 Nr Port Isaac Road ? SHLNCWD p59
30719 Tower Hill ? NCR
722 (30722) Okehampton ? ACE BB p83
725 (30725) Wadebridge ? ICR p147
30726 Padstow 5 Jun 1959 BLP ph113
30729 Wadebridge ? BLP ph91
730 (30730) Wadebridge ? ICR p147
U 31610 Wadebridge 1 Aug 1958 SHLNCWD p62
1635 ? Jul 1951 BWR 1834 p84
1638 ? No photo IHNCR(2) p2
1639 ? No photo IHNCR(2) p2
31790 ? No photo IHNCR(2) p2
31791 ? No photo IHNCR(2) p2
31802 Nr Maddaford Moor ? SHLNCWD p68
U1 31901 No Photo May 1961 BLM
31902 Halwill 30 Aug 1961 NCR
31903 Padstow 30 Aug 1961 NCR
31904 St Kew Highway 1 Jul 1961 SWS plate 119
WC/BoB 34004 Nr St Kew Highway ? FFACE p103
21C106 (34006) No Photo 1 Nov 1946 IHNCR p141
34007 Halwill 19 Jun 1949 MSSWC p47
34008 No Photo 1949 IHNCR p76
21C111 (34011) No Photo 1947 IHNCR p141
21C112 (34012) Launceston 1 Nov 1945 NCR
34014 Exeter St Davids 2 Apr 1950 FFACE p87
34015 Padstow 4 Sep 1964 IHA p121
21C116 (34016) No Photo 26 Aug 1946 IHNCR p141
21C117 (34017) Launceston 1 Nov 1945 NCR
21C120 (34020) No Photo 1947 IHNCR p141
34021 Halwill 10 Apr 1956 SWS plate 114
34023 Port Isaac Road 3 Jun 1960 IHA p114
34027 Launceston 3 Sep 1953 BLP ph29
34030 Nr Launceston 22 Aug 1964 IHNCR p19, IHNCR(2) pi
34031 Ashwater 20 Aug 1958 BLP ph14
34032 Halwill 23 May 1956 NCR
34033 Little Petherick Creek 5 May 1964 IHNCR p34
34034 Crediton 28 Aug 1954 OL p195
34036 Padstow 1959 IHNCR p109
34038 Otterham 21 Apr 1960 JP PC
34058 Wadebridge Sep 1959 MSSWC p62
34060 Launceston Aug 1959 BLM
34061 Launceston Jun 1958 FFACE p45
34062 Padstow Summer 1958 IHA Title Page
34065 Asbury May 1962 IHNCR(2) p187
34066 Wadebridge 16 Jul 1964 NCR ACE
34069 Tower Hill 29 Aug 1960 IHNCR p140
34070 ? Jul 1963 SSWM p96
34072 Wadebridge 1 Jul 1961 PACE p8
34074 Tresmeer ? FFACE p101
34076 Halwill 9 Jul 1964 MSSWC p50
34078 Launceston 25 Jul 1964 IHNCR p116
34079 Delabole Aug 1962 MSSWC p58
34080 Okehampton ? SHLNCWD p17
34081 Little Petherick Creek 13 May 1961 FFACE p105
34083 Halwill Aug 1963 IHNCR p103
34084 Nr Meldon Junctiontion 21 Aug 1964 OL p47
34085 St Kew Highway 22 Apr 1960 JP PC
34096 Padstow 2 Jul 1958 SWS plate 132
34107 Nr Maddaford Moor 4 Aug 1964 IHNCR p114
34110 Nr Maddaford Moor 12 May 1961 IHNCR p115
X6 E662 Wadebridge 6 Aug 1928 IHNCR p136
GWR 1366 0-6-0PT * 1367 No Photo 1962 BWR p46
1368 No Photo 1962 BWR p46
1369 Bodmin North ? ICR p144
GWR 2021 0-6-0PT * 2127 Wadebridge ? ICR p145
GWR 4500 2-6-2PT * 4526 Wadebridge 8 Jul 1949 BLP ph75
4565 ? 10 May 1958 SIC p26
4569 Wadebridge 13 Sep 1958 NCR
GWR 4575 2-6-2PT * 5521 ? 10 Sep 1960 BWR 1834 p79
5521 ? 10 Sep 1960 BWR 1834 p79
GWR 5700 0-6-0PT * 4666 Wadebridge 1 Jul 1961 SWS plate 124
4694 Wadebridge 3 Jul 1961 SWS plate 126
4669 No Photo 1960 BWR p46
4694 No Photo 1960 LSI - Wadebridge
Ivatt Class 2 2-6-2T * 41230 Bodmin North 13 May 1963 SBLS 3 p84
41270 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
41272 Bodmin 21 Jun 1962 IHNCR p140
41275 Padstow ? ICR p154
41284 Grogley Halt 24 Apr 1962 IHA p115
41295 Nr Grogley Halt 14 May 1964 BWR p32
41308 Hawill 4th Jun 1960 IHNCR(2) p4
41320 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
BR Std 3T 82030 Delabole 19 Sep 1964 IHNCR p139
82042 Wadebridge 2 Jan 1965 B&W 1834 p23
BR Std 4 75005 No Photo 1964 IHNCR p142
75008 No Photo 1964 IHNCR p142
75022 No Photo 1964 IHNCR p142
75025 No Photo 1964 IHNCR p142
BR Std 4T 80035 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
80036 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
80037 Halwill 18 Sep 1964 IHNCR p139
80038 Halwill 1964 IHNCR p117
80039 Halwill 1964 IHNCR p117
80041 Launceston 15 Dec 1964 NCR
80042 Ashbury 4 Aug 1964 SHLNCWD p73
80043 Halwill 18 Sep 1964 IHNCR p139
80059 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
80060 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
80061 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
80062 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
80063 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
80064 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
80067 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p142
Steam Railmotor: *
Type: º: Place: Date noted: Reference:
? 4 No Photo 1913/14 BWR p46
? 5 No Photo 1913/14 BWR p46
H13 10 Wadebridge 1906 IHNCR p137
? 13 No Photo 1906 BWR p46
? 14 No Photo 1906 BWR p46
Type: º: Place: Date noted: Reference:
North British Type 2 D6311 Wadebridge 31 Jan 1961 Photo sold on eBay
D6342 Halwill 21 Aug 1965 IHNCR p120
D6348 Wadebridge 14 Jul1964 IHNCR p142
Type: º: Place: Date noted: Reference:
Class 122 "Bubble Car" W55001 Wadebridge N/A BLAB plate 21
W55014 Padstow 28 Jan 1967 NCR
Class 121 "Bubble Car" W55026 Port Isaac Road 5 May 1966 IHNCR p27
Type: º: Place: Date noted: Reference:
AC Cars ? Wadebridge Undated BLAB pl21
Coach Sets:
Type: º: Place: Date noted: Reference:
Bulleid 66 Meldon Viaduct 26 Aug 1961 IHNCR p113
75 Egloskerry 6 Jul 1960 IHA p113
81 Launceston 11 Jul 1964 IHNCR p55
781 Halwill 1964 IHNCR p117
833 Nr Wadebridge 16 Jul 1964 NCR ACE
838 Halwill ? IHNCR p117
843 Padstow Jul 1959 IHNCR p122
Bulleid+Mk1 565 Nr Maddaford 4 Aug 1964 IHNCR p114
Maunsell 178 Nr Maddaford 8 May 1961 IHNCR pii
22 No Photo 1948 IHNCR p146
23 Padstow 3 Jul 1954 IHA p117
24 No Photo 1948 IHNCR p146
25 No Photo 1948 IHNCR p146
26 Padstow 13 Jun 1961 IHA p117
27 Port Isaac Road May 1957 IHNCR p80
28 No Photo 1948 IHNCR p146
29 No Photo 1948 IHNCR p146
30 Pendavey Bridge 16 May 1962 BLAB plate 28
31 No Photo 1962 IHNCR p146
100 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
101 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
102 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
103 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
104 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
105 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
106 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
107 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
108 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
109 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
110 No Photo 1958 IHNCR p146
168 Halwill 5 Jul 1961 SWS plate 105
172 No Photo 1960/61 IHNCR p146
178 No Photo 1960/61 IHNCR p146
179 No Photo 1960/61 IHNCR p146
180 No Photo 1960/61 IHNCR p146
196 No Photo 1960/61 IHNCR p146
198 No Photo 1960/61 IHNCR p146
199 No Photo 1960/61 IHNCR p146
200 No Photo 1960/61 IHNCR p146
LSWR 54 Wadebridge 21 Jul 1948 IHNCR p87
Type: º: Place: Date noted: Reference:
BCK 6565 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
6566 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
6567 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
6568 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
6569 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
6570 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
6571 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
6572 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
6573 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
6574 No Photo 1926 IHNCR p145
W6643S Wadebridge? 1964 IHNCR p144
* These locos worked mainly on the Bodmin to Wadebridge route, or shunted at Wadebridge, with the occasional trip to Padstow.

Other locos that quite probably worked the North Cornwall line:
Class: º: Place: Date noted: Reference:
415 125 Okehampton 14 Jul 1924 IHNCR(2) p241
460 E0468 Barnstaple Late 1920s WA(2) p18
0473 Halwill 19 Jun 1926 IHNCR p47
700 694 Okehampton 14 Jul 1924 IHNCR(2) p242
N Class 31407 Exmouth Junction (No photo) May 1949 to Jan 1951 IHNCR(2) p249
31408 Exmouth Junction (No photo) May 1949 to Jan 1951 IHNCR(2) p249
31409 Exmouth Junction (No photo) May 1949 to Jan 1950, Oct & Nov 1961 IHNCR(2) p249
31807 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 7 Apr 1963 WCES p6
31808 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 7 Apr 1963 WCES p6
31809 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 7 Apr 1963 WCES p6
31821 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) Aug 1963 to Jul 1964 IHNCR(2) p249
31828 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) May 1949 to Jun 1951 IHNCR(2) p249
31829 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) May 1950 to Jun 1951 IHNCR(2) p249
31839 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) May 1949 to Dec 1963 IHNCR(2) p249
31842 Nr Bude 14 Aug 1963 ACE BB p85
31852 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) Apr to Sep 1951, May to Nov 1959 IHNCR(2) p249
31854 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) Aug 1963 to Jul 1964 IHNCR(2) p249
31853 Nr Meldon Junctiontion 5 Aug 1963 SHLNCWD p70
31866 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) Oct 1950 to Apr 1951 IHNCR(2) p249
31867 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) Oct 1950 to Apr 1951 IHNCR(2) p249
31869 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) May 1949 to Apr 1951 IHNCR(2) p249
31875 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) May 1949 to Nov 1950, Jan 1961 to Aug 1964 IHNCR(2) p249
S11 401 Bude 1920s/30s WA(2) p13
396 Bishops Tawton ? WA(2) p22
T1 1 Bude ? ICR p111
WC/BoB s21C110 (34010) Barnstaple Mar 1948 WA(2) p33
34022 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 24 May 1953 WCES p6
34025 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 24 May 1953 WCES p6
34057 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 24 May 1953 WCES p6
34059 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 24 May 1953 WCES p6
34075 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 7 Apr 1963 WCES p6
34086 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 7 Apr 1963 WCES p6
34106 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 7 Apr 1963 WCES p6
34108 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 7 Apr 1963 WCES p6
34109 Exmouth Junction (No Photo) 7 Apr 1963 WCES p6
21C126 (34026) Barnstaple Dec 1948 WA(2) p33
34035 Nr Newton St Cyres 22 Aug 1959 OL p201
34043 Barnstaple Dec 1948 WA(2) p33
21C146 (34046) Barnstaple Mar 1948 WA(2) p8
X6 657 Bude ? ICR p108
BR Std 3T 82017 Halwill 5 Jul 1961 SWS plate 105
82024 Halwill 30 Aug 1961 NCR
82035 Bude ? ICR p58

Other locos noted in the area but probably didn't work over the North Cornwall line:
B4 99 No Photo 1899 BWR p46
M7 42 Bude ? ICR p111

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History Construction The Route Operation Traffic The Final Years Since Closure The ACE Links
