The North Cornwall Railway

History Construction The Route Operation Traffic The Final Years Rolling Stock Since Closure The ACE


34007 WADEBRIDGE. The site for a restored Bulleid light pacific that spent six years working on the North Cornwall Line.

34081 92 SQUADRON. Another restored Bulleid light pacific that spent time working on the North Cornwall Line.

Building Bulleid's Locomotives. Rob Speare's pages on Bullied's locomotives and the 4DD double deck trains.

Egloskerry Station. Stay for a few nights in one of the old the North Cornwall line stations.

Exmoor Heritage Postcards. A supplier of various postcards including a number featuring the North Cornwall line.

Penhallick. A model railway of a fictitious branch line off the North Cornwall Line in late BR(S) days.

The Rail Archive Website. A library of photographs and railway documents available to all.

Southern E-mail Group. The place for anyone interested in the Southern Railway, its predecessors or successors.

Tintagel Web. A part of this large site that has more North Cornwall Line photos.

Treneglos. Another model railway site, this time of a fictitious station to the west of Tresmeer (includes photos taken when the layout visited Wadebridge in 2005).
