Conversion Kit For Converting An Accucraft Ragleth Loco From Gas Firing To Coal
(Click on the images with a border for a larger version)

Orders now being taken.
This is a complete kit with step by step instructions, photos and drawings.
Please note: it will be necessary for the customer to make a cut out in the rear bunker to allow access to the
firehole door, the kit will come supplied with etched dummy sliding doors to fit in the cut out.
Kit contains:-
- New coal fired multi tube boiler with, Regulator, Safety valve, Water Gauge and Pump feed Clack Valve,
with provision for fitting a Resonator Whistle, uses the Pressure gauge off the original engine.
- Crosshead driven pump with by-pass valve and Quick fill connector.
- Stainless grate and Ashpan.
- Original Lubricator is used.
- All pipework to connect :- Lubricator, Blower and Main Steam Pipe.
- Supplied with new cast smokebox with working door.
- Boiler Cladding Sheet in brass.
- Etched inner side tanks to hold water for the pump with balance pipe.
- Etched dummy sliding bunker doors.
- All fixings
Kit Price £1,250, carriage extra at cost.

Extras available:
Firing set £90.
Auto draincocks £33 set. (Fitted by DJB £65)
Resonator whistle £90.